
A significant part of our services is the composition of customized studies and analysis. Feel free to contact us for a proposal of a commissioned study. Our area of expertise is:
  • Renewable energy, single project level:
    • On- and offshore wind energy
    • Geothermal energy
    • Photovoltaic and solar thermal energy
    • Biogas
    • Hydroelectric power

  • Portfolio level:
    • Optimization of single project portfolios
    • Multi portfolio- and funds level

We provide case studies, analysis and sample reports on some selected topics. The documents provided are free of charge and are entirely based on public available information. For information about copyright and legal property please refer to our company page. The documents are also available in German language.
Company portrait Matobis AG Investment Services download pdf (English) (German)
Publications in English
"Offshore wind parks: Let the sea breeze energize your portfolio"
Return and Risk from equity and debt investors’ perspective - download pdf
Recent publications in German
"Microstep Newsletter März 2014"
AIFMD für Renewables download pdf
"Microstep Newsletter Dezember 2013"
Ausblick Erneuerbare Energien Investments download pdf
"Microstep Newsletter Juni 2013"
Ertragskennzahlen Erneuerbare Energien Projekte download pdf
"Microstep Newsletter Mai 2013"
Werterhalt von Erneuerbaren Energien Projekten durch den Einsatz von Fremdkapital download pdf
"Microstep Newsletter Februar 2013"
Eigenverbrauch als Schlüssel zu rentablen PV-Investments download pdf
"Investments in Erneuerbare Energien"
Ertrags- und Risikoaspekte von Erneuerbare Energien Portfolien im Vergleich - download pdf
"Die Wirtschaftlichkeit von Photovoltaik in der Spät- und Post-Ära des EEGs"
Eigenverbrauch als Schlüssel zu rentablen PV-Investments - download pdf
"Offshore Windparks: Wie eine Seebrise ihr Portfolio elektrisiert"
Ertrag und Risiko aus Sicht von Eigen- und Fremdkapitalinvestoren - download pdf

Further information